Analysis of packaging design development trends of packaging industry
- People-centered design concept: Ahead of packaging design pays more and more attention to the “people-centered” concept, emphasizing sustainable development and retro nostalgia elements, while paying attention to the needs of the female economy and sexual minorities.
- Application of bioplastics: Although bioplastics are regarded as environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional plastics, their impact on the environment is still controversial. The production and processing of bioplastics may not be entirely environmentally friendly.
- Kitchen-style design: Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, home cooking has become a trend. Brands have begun to draw inspiration from restaurant kitchens and launch product packaging related to food and beverages.
- Female-themed packaging design: The world of Barbie and female style are increasingly popular in packaging design, reflecting the importance of female experience and feelings.
- Trendy and quirky design: Artificial intelligence technology has made the visual aesthetics of the early 2000s popular again, becoming a response to digital technology.
- Purposeful design: Packaging design is not only an aesthetic pursuit, but also conveys meaningful information and encourages consumers to take positive actions.
- Packaging with movable parts: The design of paper packaging is becoming more and more imaginative, improving playfulness and interactivity through creative design.
- Return to original luxury brand packaging: Luxury brands are reducing the use of materials in packaging and increasing the sustainability of product packaging.
- Trends in China’s packaging industry: including the Uka era, small-dose packaging, taste restoration, soft plastic bags replacing glass bottles, excessive packaging management, ink-free printing, all-plant-derived materials, high-barrier coatings, transfer and reorganization, and ink-free printing. Water molding, etc.
These trends reflect the packaging industry’s continued advancements in sustainability, innovation and consumer experience.